About Us.
Crossroads PT & Wellness LLC (CRPT) : At A Glance
Through exceptional patient care and trusted expertise, our goal is to exceed your expectations. We understand that the needs of each individual and each injury are unique, and are committed to offering a multifaceted approach to better your overall wellness. We are committed to LISTENING to YOU and providing an environment that is both patient centered and community built. We are committed to being by your side from the moment we meet until our last celebratory appointment.
Our Story
After years of experience in the industries of rehabilitation and performance training, we’ve come to recognize a growing gap between patient discharge and return to active lifestyle. As patients approach discharge from skilled rehabilitation services, they often feel lost in the “what’s next” phase for continued progress.
Build it. Step Down Program
While returning “to the gym” or embarking on a new (and sometimes scary) routine for ongoing health and wellness isn’t considered “routine care” by insurance companies, we believe helping our patients enter and progress through this journey is absolutely vital for lasting health and decreasing your risk of re-injury.
Through what we’ve termed our “step-down” program, we hope to bridge this gap and allow our patients to find renewed confidence in their abilities. Through our step down program patients work one on one with a licensed physical therapist that is duly qualified as a personal trainer for 1-3 sessions prior to formal discharge. Whether the goal is to return to a gym safely, or begin a light routine at home, our therapists are here to ensure you can do so safely.